As we settle in this Sunday evening and turn to peaceful contemplation and reflection, join me here at the internet chapel of St. Bede's-in-the-Bytes for a virtual Choral Evensong (Evening Prayer), Anglican style. I will abbreviate this service somewhat by omitting the Lesson, Gospel and Apostles' Creed, inviting us instead to meditate on a subject of our own, personal choice and in our own spiritual tradition.
But first, a word about Brothers and Sisters:
Welcome to Brothers and Sisters, the weekly meetup for prayer* and community at Daily Kos. We put an asterisk on pray* to acknowledge that not everyone uses conventional religious language, but may want to share joys and concerns, or simply take solace in a meditative atmosphere. Anyone who comes in the spirit of mutual respect, warmth and healing is welcome.I invite us all to still our souls as the prelude begins over the orange cloud of incense...